Featured Athlete: Tristan Tadeo
Sport: Wrestling | Years played: 4 | Height: 5’8
Tadeo prepares to take down his competitor to achieve victory.
Favorite pre-game meal: Any kind of pasta
Favorite quote: Winners never quit and quitters never win.
Inspiration: Andrew Bisek
Pre-game music: Doesn’t usually listen to any
Future Job: Doesn’t know yet
Wingspan: What’s your favorite thing about matches?
Tadeo: “Winning for the team, I like when the crowd cheers for me”
Wingspan: What do you hope to improve on?
Tadeo: “Wrestling from the bottom, which is a position where the guy on the bottom is trying to get on the top to regain control.”
Wingspan: What got you interested in wrestling?
Tadeo: “Well my dad did it in high school and I just wanted to do it.”
Wingspan: What’s it like being on varsity?
Tadeo: “It’s nice, I’m the only freshman on varsity, however it adds pressure.”
Wingspan: Have you gotten any serious injuries?
Tadeo: “Wrestling without headgear caused cauliflower ear, it’s where the cartilage in your ear separates from your ear and blood fills the space.”
Wingspan: Have you ever felt pressured by a coach or a parent? How?
Tadeo: “My dad’s always pushed me to do the best i can do, it’s the good kind of pressure though”
Wingspan: How are you planning to pursue this in the future?
Tadeo: “I would like to wrestle in college but up to that point i don’t think i’d want to pursue it as a career.”
Wingspan: What motivates you?
Tadeo: “My dad because I like it when my dad is proud of me, and i like the feeling of accomplishment”