Featured Athlete: Kamen Wong

Grade: 10| Sport: Basketball

As only a sophomore, Kaman Wong plays on varsity basketball, and is a violinist in symphonic orchestra. Wong has found a way to balance the commitments of basketball and orchestra, and perform at a high level in both activities.

Wingspan: When did you start playing basketball?

Wong: “I started playing in second grade.”

Wingspan: Why did you start playing basketball?

Wong: “My dad played the sport and I was getting tired of gymnastics, so I started playing basketball.”

Wingspan: When you started playing in 2nd grade did you think you would continue it through high school?

Wong: “No, at first I thought of it as just for fun and it is a good way to exercise.”

Wingspan: Would you like to play beyond high school?

Wong: “If I get a scholarship I would love to play in college. Especially since I think the sport is super fun.”

Wingspan: How do you balance school and basketball?

Wong: “I try to get my homework done right away or take advantage of my advisories. I also practice outside of school so it is really important not to procrastinate.”

Wingspan: What do you do to prepare before a game?

Wong: “I don’t really like listening to music, so I will stretch and mentally prepare myself. I talk to my teammates and work with my team on the game.”

Wingspan: What are you looking forward to this season?

Wong: “This is a pretty new team so most of our team is underclassmen. So I am looking forward to starting over and only getting better from there.”