Whether it’s out of health, animal welfare, or environmental concerns, veganism has taken the world by storm. Vegan View takes a glimpse into what veganism looks like from a student’s perspective.
Vegan View
Rose Lastovica, Staff Reporter
Whether it’s out of health, animal welfare, or environmental concerns, veganism has taken the world by storm. Vegan View takes a glimpse into what veganism looks like from a student’s perspective.

Vegan hate
I recently faced one of my first interactions with someone who harbored so much hate towards veganism, and it was obvious that they were simply uneducated on the topic. In retrospect, there were so many facts I could of pulled out of my head in response, but instead, I just nodded along and told them to have a nice day. The shock I felt from experiencing this blatant disrespect for my own personal ...

Human rights in the meat industry
People are becoming increasingly aware of animal rights and their treatment in commonplace factory farms. Many of the horrors have been revealed to the public, and whether an individual takes action or not, they are more informed than ever before. Today’s industrial meat industry got its start in the mid-1600s, with the first meatpacking facility loading meat into barrels for export. Over the...

Links between yoga and veganism
Yoga is defined as the union of the body, mind, and soul. The founding text of yoga is the Bhagavad Gita which discusses the nature of the soul, purpose of life, and how yoga is the attitude available to everyone. In western cultures, yogis focus on the asana component of yoga, the practice of different postures or poses. There are eight principles of yoga that from practicing can help reach enlightenment or a heighten...

Adopt, don’t shop
Millions of dogs enter American pet shelters every year, of which more than 400,000 get euthanized. Human and animal welfare are two directly coordinated variables. Pets often get neglected or abandoned because their owners don’t have access to important resources, not because they are “horrible people”. Many issues affect the well-being of people and, therefore, animals, including syst...

Plant Based Treaty
The Plant Based Treaty is making waves across the world, putting itself on the map in 30 different countries. It started as a grassroots campaign that was originally designed to emphasize food systems and mitigate their negative impact on the climate crisis. The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFT) was the inspiration behind the organization of the Plant Based Treaty (PBT). There are three ...

Veganism in Europe
All around the world, veganism is growing on a huge scale. Countries are experiencing a surge in their vegan populations, but some are seeing a steeper increase than others. The UK is currently leading the world in vegan food innovation. Vegan launches made up over 20% of overall new food drops in the UK during 2020. There are many US companies that have released plant-based alternatives of their most popular products in Europe before releasing th...

Many of the holiday traditions we hold so dear actually originate from Yule, the pagan celebration of the winter solstice. Officially on December 21, the solstice marks the first day of winter and the longest night of the year when the Earth’s axis tilts farthest from the sun in the northern hemisphere. The holiday revolves around the return of the sun and the days slowly getting longer. Yule is...

The decline of meatless meats
Within the last year, some plant based product trends have already started declining. Meatless meats have been slowly losing sales since the start of the pandemic. While the industry may still retain its novelty, it may still be feeling blowbacks from the coronavirus. Products seem to be disappearing as soon as they hit the shelves. With the pandemic slowdown, a survey reported that 39% wanted to...

Prosperity for pigs
It’s a well-known fact that pigs are one of the most intelligent animals, even more so than dogs, so it’s baffling why humans continue to mistreat and abuse these creatures. More conscious meat consumers rely on the transparency from companies to help make their purchasing decisions. However, there are often many lies. A recent 2021 lawsuit filed by the Humane Society of the United States...

Holiday consumerism
Halloween has now come and gone, leaving us in depths of another holiday season, not only marked by festive cheer, but material waste every year. Having a holly jolly environmentally friendly holiday is not as easy as it seems. The United States produces 25% more waste during the Thanksgiving to New Year’s season than the rest of the year. We could save enough ribbon to cover the entire planet, wrapping paper for 45,000 fo...

Sixth mass extinction
After years of studying earth’s five past mass extinctions, humans are currently causing the sixth. A mass extinction is defined as a short period of geological time where biodiversity, or species, die out. The last of which occurred 65.5 million years ago and decimated the dinosaurs. All of these events have been driven by phenomena like sudden shifts in air quality or asteroids altering ...

The fashion industry isn’t vegan friendly
As consumers, vegans are often the more intentional and careful shopper because they have to be on a higher alert. Veganism is more than a diet, it’s a lifestyle. But what does this actually look like? It means being cautious about all products consumed, not just foods. From makeup to fabrics, there can be animal products hidden in the smallest details. Leather is one material with obviou...

Save the soil
If you walk outside and look down, you should be able to see grass, but dig a little deeper and you'll find a microscopic ecosystem living below the canopy. That unobserved life exists within the soil, and it’s far more crucial to our livelihood than most people realize. Soil is known as the “black gold” of our planet because it’s so valuable to the ecosystem. In spite of this, the key component for life on earth is degrading...

Factory-farmed cows
Throughout the years, I’ve touched on various topics concerning all things vegan, but what I haven’t explored as much is animal welfare and agriculture. I want to preface this by saying, I feel I can’t speak on this topic without involving my emotions, so I won’t attempt to. I understand these facts can be disturbing and provoke intense feelings in some. There’s nothing wrong with that. None o...

Heat crisis
2022 has made the list of the top ten hottest years ever recorded in history. It comes as no surprise that future temperatures are predicted to keep climbing the charts. Extreme weather is one of the many repercussions of climate change and across the globe, temperatures are rising. Most notably this year, heat waves have devastated a number of countries. The United Kingdom broke the record fo...

The Inflation Reduction Act
To start the last year of Vegan View off with a bang, President Joe Biden signed the largest federal climate bill in U.S. history Tuesday afternoon. The Inflation Reduction Act is a monumental investment in the future of our planet and will set a precedent for more to come. The bill is a compromise from what most Democrats and President Biden had initially wanted. Even still, Congress passed the b...

Habitat fragmentation
Life on earth is meant to maintain a natural equilibrium, but as most people are aware, human activity has drastically altered this balance. Over half the planet’s terrestrial land has been changed throughout the anthropocene- the current geological age heavily influenced by humans. Habitat fragmentation is one of the many byproducts of global urbanization and agricultural expansion. The separat...

Environmental doomism
Humans are destroying the earth at an irreparable rate. A true statement, but worded purposefully to invoke fear. The overwhelming amount of negative environmental news and headlines using phrases like “point of no return” and “past the tipping point” is causing younger generations to lose hope. Today’s youth has the most at stake in saving the planet. Yet a recent survey says more ...

Fast food
While tuned in to nearly any live television channel, viewers can expect to be bombarded with all kinds of restaurant and food commercials. Lately, there have been more vegan options represented in these advertisements. As veganism grows increasingly prominent as time goes on, it doesn’t come as a surprise that fast food chains have caught on. Companies in the food industry are required to meet...

Vegan safety town
A lot of people have questions about the downsides of a vegan diet. Most of the population eats meat, so it's understandable to have concerns about anything out of that norm. Skepticism peaks when parents decide to raise children adhering to a vegan diet. They’re still growing and require proper eating habits to keep them healthy. The truth is, vegans can lack crucial vitamins and nutrients in...

Zero-waste lifestyle
Most people have problems with taking things for granted. Whether it be food, plastic, clothing, even time, the current environmental crisis calls for reconsidering priorities. Humans produce tons of trash in a single year and it is paramount that this changes. The sustainability movement includes an array of different people advocating for the planet. Over the last few years, a “zero-waste”...

When people think of composting, the first thing that comes to mind is most likely heaping piles of banana peels and rotting vegetables. The assumption isn’t completely inaccurate, but there’s beauty beneath all of the garbage. Composting is a process that returns nutrients from organic materials back into the soil. The goal behind this is to reduce the amount of natural waste that ends up in our...

A British couple, struck with a passion for veganism, launched a campaign in 2014 hoping to inspire and educate people on the many benefits of their way of life. Their rapidly growing initiative, Veganuary, challenges everyone to go outside their comfort zone and try plant-based eating for the entire month of January. The start of a new year is characteristically known for beginning new chap...

3D printing food
Most meat-eaters aren’t usually well versed in plant-based world news. However, everyone’s interest has peaked since the first word of 3D printed food broke out. Picturing food being made from a high-tech machine is what likely confounds people. A new boundary has been crossed in modern technology, but it's simultaneously ominous and brilliant. Besides the idea sounding straight out of a scien...

Veganism and world hunger
Across the globe, there are countries struggling with starving citizens. World hunger has been an issue for too long when there is plenty of food to go around. A possible solution to this worldwide issue already exists, but nothing is being acted on. It isn’t a matter of the Earth not being able to provide enough food for its growing population, but the food itself is what needs to be revise...

Reality of reuse, reduce, recycling
When children first enter school, they are taught about the reduce, reuse and recycling system. As they get older, it’s assumed the concepts would be taught more in depth, yet environmental impacts from three these processes still remain unknown to many teens and adults. There are three components that make up the golden rule of sustainability. Although the least effective, recycling is lar...

Animal racing
Horses aren’t the only animals forced to participate in racing. Although they are the most well known, countries across the world have subjected different species and breeds to this inhumane passtime. The audience is a large part of the industry and are drawn in by the legal gambling aspect. Bets are placed on the animal the gambler predicts to win, gaining or losing money after the race finis...

White veganism
White veganism is broadly defined as the exclusion of people of color from acknowledgment within the community. Social media has created a lens that veganism is seen through. White women largely represent the current vegan world, pushing out marginalized voices and stories. The term “vegan” has not been in circulation long, yet the practice has existed for centuries. Nonviolence is an importan...

Sanctuaries vs. zoos: part two
Zoos in comparison to sanctuaries are inhumane and according to the Treehugger, “imprisoning the animals for our entertainment violates their right to live free of human exploitation”. Although sanctuaries confine animals as well, there are a vast number of differences that set them far ahead of zoos in terms of animal welfare. Space the animals are allowed is a big discrepancy between the two ...

Sanctuaries vs. zoos: part one
Many questions arise when discussing the treatment of animals in each form of captivity. There are differences and similarities for each that point toward one being ultimately the best or worst option. Zoos have their positive aspects as well as negative. It can be the first experience children have seeing animals they typically wouldn’t encounter in their environment. Some zoos have programs for...

Vegan options should be implemented in schools
However outrageous it may seem to some, the future of school lunches should include vegan options. Inclusivity is something schools are constantly trying to improve upon. Topics such as religious holidays, cultural traditions, and marginalized communities have been in those conversations, but now dietary requirements need to be added to the list. While the percentage of vegan school-aged children may be on the...

The IPCC report
As of last week the IPCC (International Panel on Climate Change), released their 2021 report. The assessment includes the most recent evidence based research regarding the current state of the planet. With the opening statement placing humans as a main contributor to our current climate crisis, there is a loud call for action being heard around the world. The target previously set in the Paris Clim...

Looking back
When I made the decision to switch from vegetarian to vegan, I was not as educated as I should have been. At the time, my motives for the change were mixed and I have since learned the importance of reflecting on personal reasoning. However, it has been over a year now and my passion has only grown. Having the initial experience of being vegetarian made the transition smoother for me. Due to the ex...

Thrifting and its impacts on the environment
The younger generations unlike any other have proven to show more concern when it comes to the preservation of the environment. Social media posts, stories on the news, articles online, this is an age of awareness and its beginning to take root in today’s youth. Small, simplistic changes in everyday life are what gets the ball rolling, and teenagers are drawn to them. Many trends have been prom...

Veganism reaches Hollywood
It is undeniable that celebrities are glamorized in the media and capture the attention of people around the world. While there are countless downfalls to these lifestyles, there is a possibility to utilize their status for good. Whether they truly deserve it or not, celebrities are influencers and they have a platform in which they can openly promote their beliefs. This can easily become a dangerous situation...

Connecting Covid-19 to veganism
Where COVID-19 first originated was most likely at was is known as a ‘wet market’ where some animals are kept and then killed for food on site. Many of the most prevalent diseases are zoonotic, meaning they started from animals and spread to humans. Some claim that worldwide veganism would’ve prevented these types of diseases. While wet markets and factory farms are great examples of hotspots ...

Vegan extremism
With veganism on the rise, there are a variety of opinions and ethics concerning lifestyle. Two views, toxic veganism, and toxic anti-veganism have been poisoning the way people think of the intentions vegans hold. Both of the extremes use false information tactics to cause damage toward the other. Toxic vegans use their false sense of superiority to guilt others about their choices. There are toxic vegans ...

Seaspiracy: part two
Switching gears from ocean pollution to the ocean itself, there are major issues that are in desperate need of attention. It was explained in the documentary, Seaspiracy, that underwater organisms make up the largest percentage of life on earth, still, humans continue disrupting and destroying their habitats. Many people have gained an understanding of land deforestation, but are oblivious to the ocean deforestation that is being caused by the fishing industry. The...

Seaspiracy: part one
One year ago, I watched two documentaries, Cowspiracy and What The Health, that sparked my interest and soon after, research in veganism. Nonetheless, I was intrigued by this new documentary, Seaspiracy, that surfaced one week ago addressing the environmental effects of fishing. In the film, Dr. Sylvia Earle said, “No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”, and the feeling of pow...

Women owned vegan brands
March is Women’s History Month, and the backbone of the celebration is to emphasize the contributions women have made, and continue to make in history. Although society continues taking steps in the right direction, women owned businesses deserve more recognition than they have been receiving. Many of these companies happen to be revolutionizing the vegan industry, and have rightfully earned the spo...

The bottom line is that animal testing is unnecessary and can be completely avoided. In fact, many countries have instituted a ban on the practice, opening up opportunities to research alternative methods. Humane options extend from having volunteers to advanced tests using human cells and tissues (the in vitro method). However, it should be noted that cruelty-free does not refer to ind...

Vegan Halloween
Halloween is notorious for being an annual late-night filled with counting candy and sorting out sweets. Surprisingly, being vegan on this spooky day isn’t as difficult as people assume. Although the list containing the most popular of the holiday treats has been reduced, there are still some options to choose from. Chocolate-y favorites that are found in the grocery stores’ bulk candy bags aren...

Almond milk
Plant-based milk and other alternatives have had an escalating popularity, leaving dairy milk sales at a sweeping decline. Coming in at the top of the plant milk popularity pyramid is almond milk. This shining star however has some downsides that go overlooked. Non-dairy milk has grown 61 percent since 2012, this extensive list includes almond, coconut, cashew, hazelnut, hemp, oat, pea, peanut, pecan, quinoa, rice, ...

Cheese pizza for everyone
Pizza is known to be a widely popular food consistently found in the American diet. For lactose-intolerant and vegan people alike, this dish presents a particularly cheesy dilemma. Up until recently, there were only two ways around this issue. The first being to order a bare-boned pizza, which is exactly what it sounds like, only sauce, maybe some toppings. Then the second, much more disheartenin...

The “cage-free” egg industry
Amongst the rising popularity in the concept of ‘humane’ animal products, there are many misconceptions surrounding the egg industry in particular. The appeal of the “cage-free hen” movement has people deceived by the appearance of improved welfare standards for hens, fabricating the idea of a more merciful way to consume eggs. With the extensive amount of labels plastered all over egg carto...

Burt’s Bees, a Vegan Tragedy
Bees aren’t commonly first on the list when it comes to discussions about animal cruelty. Although well known to the vegan community, most people are oblivious to the exploitation these little creatures face. Honey isn’t the sole product bees make that humans desire. They also produce venom, bee pollen, royal jelly, propolis, and wax. The creation of the wax is a demanding process for bees and requires them to consume eight times as much honey. Bees use this wax for building and fixing ...

Gourmet cinnamon rolls, but hold the eggs and dairy. McKinney’s newest bakery popped up just a few minutes away from campus, and what do you know? Their whole menu is completely vegan. Cinnaholic, named in the Top Food Franchises of 2020, serves up a wide variety of sweet treats. From ice cream-sized scoops of edible cookie dough, to their iconic freshly-baked and customizable cinnamon rolls, they don’t seem to dissapoint....
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