Michael Martin

Joining the Redhawk staff this year, Wingspan caught up with Bacon recently and talked about her experiences as a teacher. 

Dianna Bacon

October 7, 2020

As the unprecedented circumstances of the coronavirus change the way we conduct education, Dianna Bacon, a teacher with 17 years of experience, is determined to work with fellow teachers and students alike to make this year count. Joining the Redhawk staff this year, Wingspan caught up with Bacon recently and talked about her experiences as a teacher. 

Wingspan: What classes do you teach and why did you choose to teach those classes?

Bacon: “I teach Dollars & Sense and 3DMA (3D Modeling and Animation).  I teach them because I am certified in Business and Technology Applications.  That is what was available to teach this year at Liberty.” 

 Wingspan: What college did you go to? 

Bacon: “My  undergraduate degree is from Texas State University and my Master’s Degree is from Texas Woman’s University.” 

Wingspan: What did you major in?

Bacon: “Business administration and my Master’s degree is in Teaching.”

 Wingspan: How long have you been teaching in Frisco?

Bacon: “I taught in FISD from 2003-2017 (14 years) then resigned to teach for a virtual academy and came back this Fall 2020.”

 Wingspan: What made you want to start teaching here?

Bacon: “I decided to come back this fall full time.  I have known Mrs. Stevens, the CTE department chair since 2003 when we started in Frisco ISD at FHS.  It seems like a natural fit and I’m very happy to be here. The students have been extremely welcoming.”

 Wingspan: How is it having your first year teaching at this school during the pandemic?

Bacon: “It has been a challenge, definitely, even entering my 18th year of teaching. Things that have worked for years before no longer work or we are asked to do it differently.  We all have to learn new ways and we all have to adjust our sails.”

 Wingspan: How has the pandemic affected your expectations for teaching this year? 

Bacon: “We have to be willing to be a tad more flexible and understanding….more fluid perhaps.  However, I do believe we still need to hold students accountable and have expectations. Students can and will continue to succeed if we help them along that path.” 

 Wingspan: What are your goals for your classes this year? 

Bacon: “To help my students be successful whether they are face to face or virtual.  Academics need to continue despite what is happening around us. It provides stability to students of all ages. Students deserve the very best of their teachers whether we are in a pandemic or not.  Their socio-emotional health depends on it. This is one of the BEST times for students to show leadership, perseverance and stand up for their school & community. This is a time that students can and should build character.”

 Wingspan: What do you like to do in your free time? 

Bacon: “I enjoy being with my family and helping others. I also enjoy traveling and spending time with friends.”

 Wingspan: What is the accomplishment you are most proud of to this day? 

Bacon: “As far as my professional teaching career in April 2017 a former student, Andrea Shaver, I taught for 3 years at the CTE Center identified me as “her best teacher and a role model for others” and I was flown up to her graduation ceremony at Rochester Institute of Technology and recognized for that. The Frisco Enterprise did a short article featuring it.  Andrea Shaver was a former Liberty HS student as well.”

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