Operation Northwoods


Operation Northwoods

Ah, the CIA. How benevolent. According to John Krasinski, the CIA is “something we should cherish, and thank every day.” Most know that the United States’ government has some shady dealings and history in the past, and present. I’ve written about Operation Starfish Prime, trying to ignite hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere, and Operation Paperclip, where Nazi scientists were brought over to work at NASA. Nothing shocks me at this point, but this one is different.

Operation Northwoods was a plan signed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1962, but was rejected by then president John F. Kennedy. This plan, also known as the “Cuba Project”, was proposed in order to invade Cuba. They would justify this invasion by staging Cuban terrorist attacks in Florida, and Washington D.C. The government and the military had plans to shoot up schools, blow up drone commercial airlines, and also stage a fake raid on Guantanamo Bay. This website provides a more comprehensive list of proposed crimes than the full PDF document.

Other options considered would be the murdering of Cuban refugees off the Florida coast, blowing up a US ship in a harbor, (Remember the Maine!) Starting riots, and staging mortar and artillery fire to US military bases from Cuba.

The document was made public in 1997, with little public response. Those who do not believe the official JFK assassination story, could attrribute Kennedy’s rejection of the plan to his assassination.

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