In this week's Conspiracies and You, staff reporter Aden McClune talks about Bohemian Grove.

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In this week’s Conspiracies and You, staff reporter Aden McClune talks about Bohemian Grove.

Bohemian Grove

Founded in 1872, the Bohemian Club, most commonly referred to as simply “Bohemian Grove” is a private club in the San Francisco area where the rich and powerful meet to do… what they do. What actually occurs in the 2,500-acre plot is highly contested, with very little actual footage, but a few interviews and tapes. Former U.S President Richard Nixon called it in the famous Nixon tapes as the  “most f***y god d*** thing I’ve ever seen.” 

Due to the club’s secrecy, little is known. However, filmmaker Alex Jones snuck into the club in 2000, and captured footage, showing the “Cremation of the Care” a small human effigy burned in a ritual during the several days long gathering. 

Notable guests have included five U.S presidents, including the aforementioned Richard Nixon, as well as Herbert Hoover, Ronald Reagan, as well as Henry Kissenger, and Clint Eastwood, among others.

The official, or most widely known events and theatrics are the Cremation of Care, “Lakeside Talks”, which are informal speeches given about policy, and information not known to the public.

The secret club takes place every July, and who knows? Perhaps you’ll find yourself there among the rich and famous one day.

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