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Denver International Airport
The Denver International Airport has been the subject of intense scrutiny and conspiracy theories since it’s construction in 1995, and for good reason. Being $2 billion over budget, and having some interestingly shaped runways, it is certainly an interesting complex. During the airport’s history, it has been accused of: being a safe haven for neo-Nazis, being constructed by Freemasons, having secret bunkers and tunnels underneath the building, being a symbol of the end times, and being home to aliens.
Luckily, the airport has decided to embrace it’s curse, and has seen it as a blessing. The use of mass-marketing campaigns for the airport, including a “conspiracy night”, encouraging costumes and a showing of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
However, some allegations the airport deems too outlandish, or offensive to respond to. The accusation that the airport was constructed by Neo-Nazi’s, with “proof” as seemingly swastika-shaped runways. This was dismissed by a representative, saying “Some things are worth debunking, others aren’t.”
Having been to Denver International Airport on a layover, I can confirm it is the strangest airport I’ve ever been to, but has charm. Whether that charm is good or bad, is up to the visitor.