Featured Athlete: Emily Aronson
Grade: 10| Sport: softball
March 22, 2021
Wingspan: How long have you been playing softball?
Aronson: “I would say I have been playing for one and a half years because last year got cut off.”
Wingspan: Who has been your biggest role model?
Aronson: “I would say that Maegan Shannon is my biggest role model because she is so good and she is one of the biggest leaders on our team.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite part about softball?
Aronson: “My favorite part about softball is just being around the people. It is just fun because we are all just working together to accomplish the same goal and it is sort of like a family.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite part about practices?
Aronson: “My favorite part about practices is at the end when we all get to stretch together and talk about how we did and the things we need to do to work on.”
Wingspan: What made you decide to do softball this year?
Aronson: “I tried softball for the first time last year because I wanted something to keep me active after volleyball and I really liked it. Now it is just about trying to get good.”
Wingspan: What is the relationship you have with your teammates like?
Aronson: “My relationship with my team is really strong because we are all on a similar level. Every time we play a game or practice, I feel like we get closer which in the long run is a positive thing I think.”