Sophomore Jemil Logan plays his clarinet for the football game. As the marching band season has come to a close, Redhawk students have been rehearsing for All-Region auditions. As results have come out, it seems over 36 students will be a part of this year’s All-Region program.
Jemil Logan
Name: Jemil Logan
Instrument: Clarinet
Years playing instrument: 5
Future college: Stanford
Future career: computer engineer
Inspiration: Nicki Minaj
Wingspan: Was clarinet your first choice in instruments?
Jemil: “Yes.”
Wingspan: What other kind of hobbies do you have, aside from band?
Jemil: “I talk to friends. I’m in a lot of group chats. And I like to play games.”
Wingspan: What kinds of games?
Jemil: “Online games like Overwatch. I play with my friends.”
Wingspan: Are there any other instruments you’d like to learn to play?
Jemil: “I kind of want to learn guitar.”
Wingspan: Do you want to play clarinet in college or professionally?
Jemil: “I actually don’t know yet. Maybe.”
Wingspan: If not, what do you think you might be interested in?
Jemil: “Probably learning how to play guitar.”
Wingspan: Do you know where you might want to go for college?
Jemil: “No, not yet.”
Wingspan: What’s your favorite piece or something that was the most fun to play so far?
Jemil: “Probably Locked Out of Heaven by Bruno Mars.”
Wingspan: What are some songs or pieces you might want to learn or improve on with clarinet?
Jemil: “I think I want to improve on the school fight song.”
Wingspan: What’s something you look forward to in band or in music in general?
Jemil: “Competitions”
Wingspan: Are there any specific competitions you’re looking forward to?
Jemil: “No, I just really wanna get to do one”
Wingspan: What are some goals you have for yourself in band or music in general?
Jemil: “Just to get better and hopefully meet some new people.”