Econ hosts AP test prep

Kathryn Murphy, Guest Contributor

To help get ready, AP Economics is hosting Super Saturday this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Independence High School for students to review before their test on Thursday.

“I think it’s a really great opportunity for students to review the subject matters that they struggled with most for the class before they take the exam,” AP economics teacher Kristin Binyon said. “I think it’s a really easy way to make sure that you’re learning the material correctly in a short compacted time period. So you’re learning the most important material for the exam.”

Given that Econ is a semester class, students who took the class the first semester will be able to revisit material they may have forgotten.

“I think that that will help me prepare for the test a little bit better just because I can ask questions as opposed to studying by myself where I am not really quite sure where to start off with,” senior Kamen Wong said. “I am not sure if it is going to be more of a lecture of practice questions but I am hoping that it is a little bit of both.”