Freshmen set for first AP test

Wingspan Staff

AP Human Geography is the first AP class freshman are eligible to take. The AP Human Geography exam will be given this Thursday.

Sarayu Bongale, Guest Contributor

The end of the school year usually brings excitement, but for freshmen enrolled in AP Human Geography, the end of the year means stress as they get ready for their first AP test on Thursday.

“I have plenty of anxiety over the test day,” freshman Varun Kedia said. “I know I have to at least pass the test but I’m aiming for at least a 4 on the test. There is just a lot of work I have to do, studying, and not enough time.”

Teachers are using various techniques to ensure that their students are well prepared for the AP test.

“We first gave students an AP mock exam which gives students an idea of what they expect on the exam,” HGAP teacher Scott Li said. “Along with that, we are doing FRQs and MCQs when they come into class. Other than that we also have a fun review activity like HGAP Jeopardy and Connect 4 to practice.”

Students are also spending additional time outside class to make sure they are well prepared for the AP test.

“I have been watching a lot of Mr. Sinn videos on YouTube, I’ve been reading through my textbook and over my notes, and I’ve been studying whatever flashcards I have left,” Kedia said. “I am also planning to purchase or borrow an AP exam review book just for extra review.”

However, other students like freshman Vinayak Saxena are confident that they will do well on the exam.

“I don’t think the AP test is going to be anything extraordinarily difficult because it is one of the easiest APs you can take,” Saxena said. “But, I also have no scale to judge that because this is the first AP test I am taking.”