Sophomore Kyla Dalton (pictured right) stands with her dance teacher Sarah Cadungung after a performance Friday. In this week’s edition of Artistic Expressions, Wingspan sits down with Dalton as she discusses her passion for dancing.
Kyla Dalton
Name: Kyla Dalton
Grade: sophomore
Hobby: dance
Years involved: 11
Inspiration: Dance teacher Sarah Cadungung
Wingspan: When did you start getting involved in dance?
Dalton: “I’ve been dancing for a couple of years because I started in ballet in Hawaii when I was probably three or four, and then gymnastics. I stopped and then I started again.”
Wingspan: What is your favorite thing about dance?
Dalton: “My favorite thing about dance is probably the styles of hip hop, or like, jazz and everything. Because I get to move freely and come up with moves to the sounds.”
Wingspan: Having been involved in dance in school, describe what that’s like.
Dalton: “It’s fun. You know, because all the girls around me understand each other. They’re just very caring and everything. When it comes to dances, it can be a little hard, because I haven’t done it in a while. But, you know, the girls are always there to back me up and everything and make me feel great.”
Wingspan: What’s an obstacle that you think you’ve had to overcome?
Dalton: “Usually, when we do our turns. It’s called spotting, like finding something to stare at while turning. That’s the hardest part.”
Wingspan: What is something that dance has taught you, that you can use outside of just the class?
Dalton: “Not to think so hard, I guess just do it. Usually, when I’m listening to the song, it’s hard to focus on the moves. But my teachers just tell me to think of them as a part of me. Don’t spend time thinking of moves. Just do whatever you want. That helps me a lot.”
Wingspan: Have you ever tried improv?
Dalton: “Mostly in my room. Yeah, that’s what I do. Like in my own space, I guess come up with the way it was in everything.”
Wingspan: How is dance wrapping up the end of the year?
Dalton: “We’re doing a project where we come up with our own moves to sound that we choose, and then we perform it.”
Wingspan: What is your best piece of advance for someone who is interested in dance?
Dalton: “To just move freely. Always share your idea of like, don’t fall back and just have fun, you know, like don’t let it become stressed or anything like that. Just have fun.”