Featured Athlete: Keyera Roseby
Wingspan’s featured athlete for 2/16 is varsity basketball player junior Keyera Roseby.
Wingspan: How did you get started playing basketball?
Roseby: “I really just grew up around it and my mom used to play so she got me on a team and I fell in love with it.”
Wingspan: Who has been our biggest motivator?
Roseby: “My biggest motivator has been my mom because she always told me to give it my all because you never know when it’s your last time.”
Wingspan: How has playing basketball impacted your life?
Roseby: “It’s become eat sleep basketball because that’s all I really do and I’ve gained a lot of my close friends from basketball.”
Wingspan: Do you have any pre game rituals or superstitions?
Roseby: “I pray before every game and I dab one of my teammates up when I start.”
Wingspan: How is playing basketball at Liberty different from playing on Drive Nation?
Roseby: “On Drive Nation we’re always on go and the coaches let us roam free. Here at Liberty, Coach Reedy has structure and he wants us to use our brains more when we play.”
Wingspan: What are you looking forward to in the playoffs?
Roseby: “Definitely getting to state and getting that ring and also living it up with my teammates by cherishing the moment.”
Wingspan: What is the hardest part about playing basketball?
Roseby: “The mental state because basketball is really in your mind and you have to fight your bad thoughts.”
Wingspan: What sports icon has influenced you the most?
Roseby: “Kobe Bryant because I liked his drive and how he put in that work and I aspire to be like him.”