Featured Athlete: Jayden Daniels

Provided by Jayden Daniels

Wingspan’s featured athlete for 3/2 is varsity basketball player senior Jayden Daniels.

Wingspan : How did you start playing basketball? 

Daniels : “I really just grew up around it, my mom played in college and my dad played overseas.”

Wingspan : Who has been your biggest motivator? 

Daniels : “My grandma because she raised me and showed how strong she is which motivates me because without her I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Wingspan : How has playing basketball impacted your life? 

Daniels : “It has given me an extracurricular activity outside of school and has kept me always on my feet so I’m not just sitting around.” 

Wingspan : Do you have and pregame superstitions?

Daniels : “I don’t eat before I play because I feel like I play better on an empty stomach.” 

Wingspan : How do you manage to train daily and keep up with school? 

Daniels : “Honestly, it’s hard and I always have to catch up on my work but I get it done.” 

Wingspan : What are you most excited for in playoffs? 

Daniels : “To keep winning games and hopefully get the championship and spend the last moments with my teammates since this is my last year.”

Wingspan : What sports icon as influenced you the most? 

Daniels : “Lebron James especially after his scoring record and he just does a lot of great things in the NBA.”