Featured Athlete: Madison Terry
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Wingspan’s featured athlete for 4/20 is varsity softball player Madison Terry.
Wingspan: How did you get started playing softball?
Terry: “The reason I started playing softball is because I watched my brother play baseball growing up. The moment he stopped, was the moment I decided I wanted to try out softball.”
Wingspan: Compared to last year’s team, what makes this season different especially with a new coaching staff?
Terry: “Last year’s team had lots of great talent, but I think the difference this year is the confidence we have in trusting our potential. Our coaches have made a huge impact on this team. They push us to give our all every single day , and help us understand we’re each capable of being great. They work day in and day out to make us the successful program we are today.”
Wingspan: Who’s your biggest motivator?
Terry: “My biggest motivator would have to be my family and my teammates. My family has been there for me throughout every step of the way. I couldn’t be more grateful for everything they’ve done for me to fully experience playing the game that I love. From the car rides to the support at every game, they are forever greatly appreciated. Another big support system I have are my teammates. My teammates are always there to pick me up and talk me through everything. From the tough practices to the good games, every single one of my teammates had a huge impact on my life.”
Wingspan: What are you most excited for in the playoffs?
Terry: “The thing I’m most excited for In playoffs is just getting that experience with my team for the first time. This is the first time ever that Frisco Liberty softball has made the playoffs and it is really a huge blessing. As a team, we are extremely excited.”
Wingspan: Do you have any pre-game rituals?
Terry: “I do have a couple of pre-game rituals. My pre-game rituals include listening to my playlist before warmups, praying during the national anthem, and my throwing sequence with my teammate, Delila. These 3 things I’ve managed to do consistently before games and they have always put me in a mindset that it’s time.”
Wingspan: What’s the hardest part about playing softball?
Terry: “The hardest part about softball is realizing that it’s a game of failure. You have to stay in the next play attitude and can’t get stuck in the past. It’s really easy to get in your head or just down on yourself throughout the game, so getting back on track and into the right mindset would have to be the hardest thing about softball to me.”
Wingspan: How do you manage to play a sport and keep up with school?
Terry: “Managing softball and school can be stressful sometimes, but our coaches do a great job holding us accountable for grades. From practices everyday, to hitting lessons after practice every Thursday, and Sunday practice for my select team, it can be really difficult to manage assignments. One thing that really helps me is our study halls every Thursday during the period which allows us to use that time to catch up on anything we may be missing. Although it can be tough at times, you just have to find that right balance of your sport while staying disciplined and focused in school.”