New staff member Tiffany Thayer has taught at three school districts before, but this year decided to join Frisco ISD here at The Nest. She’s an on level geometry teacher who graduated from Northwestern Oklahoma State University for her undergraduate degree and Lamar University for her graduate degree. She enjoys coaching both volleyball and softball, CrossFit, and meeting new people. Wingspan sat down with Thayer to find out more about who she is as a teacher.
Wingspan: How have you enjoyed teaching here since school started?
Thayer: “It’s really great. People are, for the most, part really positive. So it’s nice.”
Wingspan: How does this school differ from your old schools?
Thayer: “I think the positivity and then my mindset of student learning is a lot different. Like it’s more focused on students actually understanding content and less about just going through the motions.”

Wingspan: Why did you become a teacher?
Thayer: “Probably more so for the coaching aspect of it, but also just like serving people, while also teaching is just kind of naturally my gift in life.”
Wingspan: How have you handled managing being a volleyball coach, softball coach, and a teacher?
Thayer: “A lot of grace from God. Just managing my time and handling a schedule and using the given time to work on school stuff and then when I need to, working on my coaching stuff.”
Wingspan: If you could teach any other subject or class, what would it be and why?
Thayer: “It would be a PE or like motivational studies or something a little bit more student led. People don’t like math. Especially high school students.”
Wingspan: Have you always wanted to be a teacher or coach, or did you have previous aspirations?
Thayer: “Growing up I always knew that I was going to be a teacher or a coach. I thought that I would go straight into college coaching, but then things changed coming out of college. I thought for a little bit that I would probably do more nutrition and dietitian stuff, but I just never left the teaching pursuit.”