Born in Tampa, Fl, assistant football and track coach Marlon Burnette moved to Texas where he attended Allen High School playing football, basketball, baseball, track, and soccer. Upon graduating from Allen he played football at West Virginia University before finishing his eligibility at Fairmont State University. Recently Wingspan sat down with Burnette to learn more about who he is.
Wingspan: What inspired you to coach football and teach young kids how to play ?
Burnette: “Well I’ve had great coaches my whole life so coaching was always a fallback plan. I always knew I would end up coaching at some point, the premise was to help people, helping kids for a while, then I started helping people with health being a personal trainer. I got back into the kids sector by getting into coaching and teaching.”
Wingspan: Where did you first coach and teach at ?
Burnette: “I first coached and taught at Ford Middle School in Allen which was my old middle school.”
(Ali Amer)
Wingspan: What brought you to campus ?
Burnette: “What brought me to Liberty High School was the opportunity to interview for the quarterback coach’s job and fortunately for me I was hired and blessed to help the kids here at Liberty.”
Wingspan: How has your time been out here ?
Burnette: “My time here at Liberty has been great, kids are great, faculty is great, so far so good here. Glad I was brought into the nest .”
Wingspan: What are some of your goals for the end of this school year ?
Burnette: “My goals for the end of this school year, first one would be to get my CDL knocked out and out of the way. My second goal would be to make the playoffs in football, we have a chance so playoffs are always on my mind, and really to help kids see that a little bit of hard work can go a long way so get kids to get out their comfort zone, because in a short amount of time you will be out your comfort zone and your gonna have to make decisions on your own and you can’t freak out in those situations so I guess it would be to be able to push kids out of their comfort zone and have them thinking outside of what their box is.”
Wingspan: What are some of your favorite things in life ?
Burnette: “My favorite things in life, well the first favorite is life, everyday my feet touch the ground, so, life in itself would be out, is outstanding. But if you’re asking what I like to do? Well, it’s pretty simple. I like to be around my family. I like to stay on my job, keep focused on what I gotta do moving forward. There’s not enough hours in the day, so you try to spend as much time with your family. ‘Cause there’s not as much time as you would like to do that, especially in season. So, but yeah man I like to chill. Watch football, watch basketball, watch baseball. I mean, pretty much I’m at home watching TV, watching some kind of game, or I’m reading a book. I’m trying to get better. I’m always trying to improve.
Wingspan: What are some of your hobbies out of football and out of school ?
Burnette: “I like to read improvement books, coaching books, football books, strength and conditioning books, anything that can. I can get better, help people get better. I did read a lot, I started reading leadership books, but when I realized I already did a lot of what the leadership books we’re writing, I kind of stopped. Leadership probably is a hobby. I like to stay connected with a small circle, make sure we’re all progressing and moving forward and, you know, check with the kids, make sure everything’s going good, progress, move forward. Hey, it’s all about moving forward. Ever forward, man.”