Cubs win flag flies on campus

Temporarily joining the American flag and the Texas state flag is the Cubs win W flag. The flag is flying in honor of the Cubs first World Series win in 108 years.
November 3, 2016
More than 900 miles from Chicago, the Cubs first World Series championship in more than a century has a few people on campus feeling especially good.
“I grew up two hours outside of Chicago so i’m a lifelong Cubs fan,” Principal Scott Warstler said. “Going back to 1984 when they won the pennant and lost to the Padres and 1989 when they lost to San Francisco Giants, it’s been 44 years for me of waiting for this moment so I’m extremely excited and happy that the Cubs were finally able to do it. It’s a really cool thing but I try my best to keep it in perspective that it’s just baseball. Even though I’m a huge, huge baseball fan and I’m really, really excited, it’s a baseball game and we move on.”
During its run to the title, the Cubs became America’s team as millions across the nation were pulling for the “loveable losers” who had gone more than 100 years without a championship.
However, some people on campus such as art teacher Jeb Matulich, have a more personal tie to the Cubs.
“My dad was a Cubs fan and his dad was also a Cubs fans so he use to always listen to the Cubs games on the radio back in the 40’s and 50’s,” Matulich said. “Even when I was a baby my parents dressed me in Cubs gear.”
The Cubs win is being temporarily recognized outside the school with the Cubs win flag flying on the flagpole. A personal momento of Warstler, assistant principal Cindi Osborne made sure it was on display.
“I’ve had the flag flying in my office for a couple of weeks and I was off campus today so some of the administrators went outside to make sure that it was up,” Warstler said. “I got a picture of that when I was off campus today so when I was pulling up I saw the flag flying and that was my goal, to fly it for a couple of days. If you are a big Cubs fan flying the W flag is after every win. So up home where I’m from there are W flags flying all over the place. It’s kinda cool to see it flying here at Liberty High School.”