Free babysitting for teachers offered by StuCo
Planning on taking advantage of Student Council’s Teacher’s Night Out, social studies teacher Sarah Wiseman and her husband Jeff intend to drop off their children Samuel and Warren for a night out Monday from 5-8 p.m.
December 4, 2017
An evening without their children is the plan for Monday’s Teacher’s Night Out from 5-8 p.m. as Student Council hosts the event that allows teachers to drop off their kids and have some free time to themselves.
“Usually around the holidays it’s hard to shop and get things done with children,” StuCo sponsor Julie Anderson said “So we’re offering an opportunity for them to drop their kids off and we’ll do crafts, feed them, watch a holiday movie, and play games.”
One teacher planning to take advantage of StuCo’s offer is social studies teacher Sarah Wiseman.
“I feel really excited, it’s going to be a really good opportunity to have a date with my husband and I think my kids are going to really enjoy it,” Wiseman said. “I think it is a really nice way to say thank you to the teachers and to give us some time to ourselves that we wouldn’t have otherwise.”
It’s the first time StuCo is hosting the event on campus, and president Jeffery Nebeker anticipates the night will help teachers with the all stress that the holiday season can bring.
“We hope it’ll be successful,” Nebeker said. “We believe this will be beneficial because it will give teachers time otherwise unavailable to get affairs situated for the holiday season.”
Anderson says the event is designed to demonstrate the group’s appreciation of teachers.
“StuCo is hosting this event to give something back to the teachers,” Anderson said. “We do a lot for the students but the teachers are just as important to the campus.”