Flashing school zone light in front of school out of service
Approaching the school from Independence, the flashing yellow light and radar indicating the start of the school was out of service Tuesday and Wednesday. However, according to School Resource Officer Glen Hubbard drivers are still responsible for slowing down during the times listed on the sign.
January 17, 2018
The flashing school zone light on Rolater, just west of campus, has been out of service, along with the radar, Tuesday and Wednesday.
With no warning light, at least one student thought the speed limit was 45 mph instead of the 20 mph of the school zone.
“Honestly I just kept going the speed limit because it was 8:55 and I needed to get to school,” senior Ali Smilie said. “I took advantage of it not being on and went the normal speed.”
However, School Resource Officer Glen Hubbard said it is still the responsibility of drivers to obey the 20 mph speed limit from 8:05-9:05 a.m. and 4:05-4:45 p.m when school is in session.
“As long as it’s posted on the sign in writing, even if the light is out, it’s still active during those times,” Hubbard said. “The light doesn’t make it official, it’s still enforceable regardless.”