AP test registration closing soon
Despite Frisco ISD bragging on the fact that students don’t have to take finals, Wingspan’s Caleb Wai touches on the positives the exams could have on both testing the progress of teachers and students.
March 20, 2018
Students enrolled in AP courses have until Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. to register for their respective AP exams.
Each exam includes a fee of $94 with students failing to register by the deadline facing an additional $20 for each test.
Fees can be paid for at My Payments Plus, but those wishing to forgo the 3.99 percent credit card service fee can pick up a form at the counseling office and pay with cash or check.
Student or parents with questions may contact Shannon Webre (webres@friscoisd.org) or Dr. Stefanie Mueller (muellers@friscoisd.org) in the counseling office.