2018-19 tryouts for Red Rhythm after school on Friday

Neha Perumalla

Neha Perumalla, WTV Executive Producer

Red Rhythm tryouts will take place Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. Preparation began Monday with prospective members learning and polishing a new jazz, military, and kick routine from director Nicole Nothe and assistant director Marina Gonzalez.

“The hardest thing about tryouts for me personally is just like the memory and getting each dance down because we only have like 3 days to learn 3 dances,” first lieutenant Mallory Kalka said. “But they’re really good about teaching it and having a good time.”

The team will be selected by a panel of guest judges after tryouts are complete with new members able to purchase practice and performance wear from departing seniors the next day at Senior Sale from 7 to 8 p.m.

I’m Neha Perumalla reporting for Wingspan TV.