Debate heads to districts
Debate competitors are preparing for future competitions through research and goal setting.
March 22, 2018
The debate team takes arguing to a another level as they work on debating various topics in their cases and is heading off Wakeland High School for their district competition this weekend.
According to debate teacher Melissa Maier, competition provides students both an opportunity to enrich debate-related skills as well as a chance to demonstrate all they have learned.
“Our sole purpose is to go out and make sure that the kids are having a good time and using their skills with public speaking, research, and their political knowledge as well,” Maier said. “Above all else, students have an opportunity to actually compete on an intellectual level in a lot of ways that they don’t on campus.”
For junior Ria Bhasin, competition has a deeper meaning that has created a close relationship with her fellow debaters.
“I love our team. I feel as if we have become closer than we have in the past two years,” Bhasin said. “We have a tradition where we go to Chili’s after our competition and it’s always such a fun bonding experience.”
Throughout the preparation process for competition, Maier provides assistance to students to help them ensure that competition flows smoothly.
“I’m an available resource, first and foremost. Whatever they need to actually be successful in the process, I’m going to provide them with that,” Maier said. “I make sure that everybody has what they need to walk into the room and feel as confident as possible.”
As district competition approaches, debaters anticipate to perform well as they have been working to perfect their skills and sharpen their knowledge on various cases.
“It would mean a lot to me to advance, especially to the state level, because that would distinguish myself very well,” junior Aarti Poduval said. “Everyday we go through our cases; we practice speaking and we have practice debates in class. We basically make sure that everything in our cases are strong enough arguments for the district level and strictly adhere to the structure of our debates.”
Ultimately, debate has overall helped Bhasin all around as it has given her many useful tools for her educational career.
“It has helped me become more confident and comfortable while I’m speaking about issues. It has made me more well spoken and well rounded,” Bhasin said. “Additionally, it has helped me in my core classes. The skills we learn in debate, such as research and argumentation, has helped me in AP Lang and my history classes.”