Water quality concerns prompts visit from Erin Brockovich

Melody Tavallaee

Although some local residents have expressed concern about the quality of water supplied by the North Texas Municipal Water District, recent tests have indicated the water is safe says the city of Frisco. However, that’s not stopping consumer advocate Erin Brockovich from planning to attend a rally Thursday at 6 p.m. at Frisco Celebration Hall to address the Safe Water North Texas Facebook group.

Consumer advocate Erin Brockovich will be in Frisco at Celebration Hall on Thursday at 6 p.m. to address the Safe Water North Texas Facebook group regarding the concerns of some local residents on the quality of their water.

“It think the best case scenario is that we get all the answers to the questions that we’re asking and that we have a clear understanding and picture of what the quality of our water is year round, not just during the burnoff,” Frisco resident Leigh Wilcox said in starlocalmedia.com article. “If there are issues, we want to make sure that they are addressed and in a quick fashion because our residents deserve the best.”

However, recently conducted extra water quality tests have shown the city’s water supply is safe.

“I think the water tastes like chlorine,” chemistry teacher Adam Cecil said. “But I don’t think that just because it tastes weird that I’m going to get sick or anything, I think it’s fine.”