Documentary displays foreign language skills

Perry Mellone

Spanish 3 students are working on a trailer project for an end of the school year assignment as students finish their final tests and quizzes.

Yael Even, Guest Contributer

With May here and AP testing underway, end of the year projects are being assigned in many classes with Pre-AP Spanish 3 and Spanish 3  students making a documentary trailer.

“Students will make a movie trailer of one to two minutes for an upcoming documentary on the topic of their choice,” Spanish teacher Ashli Taquino said. “The trailer will include music, graphics, text, video and release date information. They will also market this upcoming “documentary” with a poster that will promote/advertise the movie.”

Taquino’s project is designed to allow students flexibility as the school year comes to a close.

“In the past students have used this project to “show off” how awesome they were at some sport, or share something about themselves with their class, and also share something they are passionate about with the class,” Taquino said. “It has helped to build class bonding at times, and also allows students who might struggle with Spanish to excel in other areas of creativity, technology, art, and music, as these are all parts of the project as well.”

Students such as sophomore Paige Swallow like the loose parameters provided by Taquino.

“I like the Spanish project,” sophomore Paige Swallow said. “I think it’s a really cool and fun idea. It’s nice because you can do it about a topic that interests you as well as easy to do.”

Not only is this project low key for students, it’s an enjoyable experience for Taquino.

“I love having excellent examples to show students the next year,” Taquino said. “I really get a kick out of seeing what the students have come up with and learning about them/what matters to them.”