Seniors reflect on the end of high school

Sitting in the gym during graduation practice, seniors receive their diplomas Saturday at the Ford Center.

Yael Even, Staff Reporter

A journey that began in kindergarten is coming to a close for the class of 2018 with seniors already beginning to reflect on their time in high school.

“I’ll miss the friendships I’ve made in band,” senior Caitlyn Hazzard said. “I have such wonderful people around me all the time and I know I’ll make new friends and keep in touch with my current friends. I’ll definitely miss the relationships I’ve built here.”

Although graduating high school can be bittersweet, Hazzard has a lot to look forward too.

“I’m excited to study music explicit and continue to get better at my instrument, the trombone,” Hazzard said. “As well as gaining more experience and knowledge in my field of study.”

A big takeaway, for senior Cathryne Crabtree is to simply go for it.

“Find what makes you happy and do it,” Crabtree said. “Find out what you feel confident in and wear it. Put yourself out there and find friends who make you feel happy because there are a lot of things high school will stress you out about. Yet doing things you love and having good friends will give you something to lean on to lift you back up. Don’t let the bad things affect you because it won’t matter later.”

Even though high school can go by fast, senior Kelsey Holden learned lot that could potentially help underclassmen.

“My advice is to start thinking about college early and what you want to do,” Holden said. “And do not procrastinate.”