Destination Health (no longer updated)
Katharina Santos, Staff Reporter
Wingspan’s Katharina Santos offers advice, insight, and personal experiences revolving around health in her blog: Destination Health.

Salata review
Salata, a salad lover’s dream come true. Salata is a next-generation salad bar restaurant where you can create your very own salad or wrap, just how you like it. Walking in, diners will be impressed with the overall look to the restaurant. The paint and furniture were all in bright colors, which gave a nice, fresh and clean vibe to the atmosphere. Once I got in line, the process began. Af...

A genetically modified organism, or GMO, is when the DNA of a another species are extracted and artificially implanted into an unrelated plant or animal through a laboratory process. Just to set the record straight one more time, GMO’s are not something that occur naturally, they are man made. There are some controversies and arguments from sides that either support the use of them and those who...

You matter
“When we truly are putting others first, we cannot but feel at peace with ourselves.” - Eknath Easwaran We’ve always been taught to take care of others and put them first. However, what I’ve realized after spending the last couples years of my life taking care of other people and worrying about their feelings before mine is that living by this mantra has actually held me back from reaching m...

Milk mysteries
Ever since middle school, we’ve been instilled with the idea that milk is the greatest, most nutritious, calcium filled, magic serum. However, I’m here to tell you all about the secrets and information that the dairy industry doesn’t want you to know about. Let’s first start off with the fact that humans are the only species on the planet that consume the milk produced from another anim...

Misconception madness
Fads come and go, but facts don’t. There’s always going to be health trends supported by celebrities, social media and tabloids, but not all of them are actually true. Lucky for you, I am here to debunk a couple of misconceptions to steer you away from false advertisements and expensive products. Coconut oil is the holy grail This is going to be one of those that has two sides to the story,...

Less mess, less stress
Homework, AP classes, sports, and getting ready for college can really add up and create one big, fiery ball of stress. This can lead to overeating, undereating, anger, anxiety, sadness, depression and in some cases, alcohol and drug abuse. As a teenager, it can be hard to feel like we are in control of our lives, as we are constantly being told advice from parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teache...

Sticking with New Year’s resolutions
New year, new me! That’s what they say, right? Except for in a recent study done, most people have been found to give up their new year’s resolution by the second week. The study done by Forbes says that only about 8 percent of people succeed with their goal. That’s crazy! So you’re telling me that out of the 7 BILLION people in this world, only about 560 million can actually stick to the plan....

Winter wellness
Cold weather not only brings out sweater season but often the common cold and flu come right along with it. Let’s be honest, while missing school everyone once and a while is nice, staying home sick sucks. Lucky for you, I’ve compiled a list of ways to avoid the sniffles this winter season and keep you in tip top shape. 1. Citrus Often times when people are sick, they turn to their good ol...

Healthy for the holidays
Gingerbread houses, cookie decorating and holiday parties are coming right around the corner as December is here. With this, it becomes very easy to get out of and hand and astray from a healthy diet and eating so, knowing this, I have come up with a couple ways to help you stay on track this holiday season. 1. Stay away from unhealthy foods: This is one might be the hardest one to do as like...

Turkey Trot troubles
Let’s just start off with the fact that I am the worst runner in the history of the world. It takes me almost an hour to run a mile...Okay that is a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously, I am the Worst. Runner. Ever. However, this past Thanksgiving break I took on the challenge of participating in the North Texas Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day. Although it took some mental strength to not sign up for the “Miracle Mile,” my s...

Salubrious Juice & More discount
Salubrious Juice & More is partnering with Wingspan to give students a discount to explore healthier options. The juice bar is 100 percent organic and plant-based. The menu includes a variety of fruit smoothies, lunch items and bottled juices. Owner Ajay Sharma, opened his store as part of his mission to encourage healthy eating in the community. On the Salubrious site, Sharma shares that in his...

Netflix nutrition
I recently watched a documentary on Netflix called In Defense of Food. The PBS show is narrated by Michael Pollan, the author of the book in which the film was based upon, and focuses on debunking the myths and conflicting daily media claims about nutrition. I have to say, I didn’t have great expectations as I thought I had already seen every credible film offered on Netflix in regards to nutri...

Good skin from within
Just because summer is over, it doesn’t mean it’s time to give up on the summer bod. This not only means we should keep working on getting that six pack, but making sure your skin is looking healthy and fresh as it prepared to soaks up all that Vitamin D during those warm, sunny months. Lately, I have been completely obsessed with Farah Dhukai and all her skin tutorials. I have dedicated myself ...

Riding the fitness wave
Yo duuuuude! Rad barrells out there! Whether it’s using apps, checking out new facilities or getting together with friends for a group workout, I’m always looking for new ways to make exercising an enjoyable experience. I recently had the opportunity to attend a 6:00 a.m. class at City Surf Fitness. Let me start off by telling you that this was nothing that I have ever done before. City Surf Fitness offers f...

Dragon Fruit Bandwagon
It’s all over Instagram pages and filling Pinterest boards of many. Bright pink smoothies Over the summer, I had the time (and energy) to perfect one of my favorite, go-to recipes. Not only is it very pleasing to the eye, but this jumbo, dragon fruit smoothie is jam packed with benefits.Before I send you on your way with the recipe, let me tell you a little bit about all the goodness in this nu...

Ancient remedy blooming with benefits
Bouquets of roses are always nice, but the true way to someone’s heart is a remedy for clear skin and a healthy glow. Rosewater has been one of the latest additions to makeup artists’ routines but it has actually been around for centuries. Cleopatra often used rosewater to keep her skin fresh and dewy when she reigned as queen of Egypt, along with many other natural remedies, but we’ll leave that for a later post. ...

Cycle Bar offering free rides
CycleBar in Plano is offering new guests their first ride free. Right now, the studio is the only premium indoor cycling franchise in the world. With over 180 locations, there's obviously something going on that we all need to catch on to. So stop by or call in to put your name on the schedule to rock your first ride, FREE! ...

All natural foods to give you energy
Homework, sports, clubs and work can all be pretty draining, and although Monster and Red Bull may give students a sudden rush of energy, the extreme amounts of sugar and chemicals don’t guarantee a lasting effect. So instead, here are a couple alternative options that leave you with the same results, but without all the negative side effects. Bananas: Bananas are a great source of carbohydrate...

Why plastic really is that bad
We’ve heard it on the news, in our science classes, and Leonardo Dicaprio's Instagram page relatively often. Ditch plastic, use paper. We’ve been learning to reduce, reuse, and recycle since elementary school and it feels like the obvious thing to do, but is it really that bad to stick to plastic? First off let’s start with how plastic is actually made. The ingredient list is comprised of ...

Healthy and vitamin filled breakfasts just got a lot easier with Nekter Juice Bar opening up on Preston Rd. Their menu is filled with nutritious and filling smoothies like the “Pink Flamingo” and the protein packed “Health Nut”. They also have a handful of juices like the “Little Beet” and “Green Apple Detox” that are great for starting off the morning on the right foot. But...

New year, better me
The school year is three weeks in and the times of getting up past noon and binging Netflix all day are now reserved for weekends and holidays. Although it may seem that Thanksgiving break is too far away too think about, the new school year can be a great way to get a fresh start. In my new blog, “Destination Health”, I’ll share some ideas to improve chances of success in students’ academics in r...
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