Say it Louder: marinating in negativity
Whether it’s something about school, being a student, or a social issue, columnist Emma Cramption tries to make sure her message is heard in her weekly column “Say it Louder”.
October 1, 2018
Although life events can get in the way, positivity is a mindset that can be chosen to be pursued or not. Each problem has an opportunity hidden in it, and it all depends on how you choose to handle it.
The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity and a way to take the challenge as something they will learn from. The journey to success begins with positive thinking.
I am of course guilty of letting negative thoughts overpower my mind, as is most of the world. It is actually something I have to continue to work on day by day. However, I find myself feeling sorry for the people that purposely choose to marinate in negativity and misery.
I’m sure everyone has come across these types of people in their lives. The people that constantly complain and hate any and everything that comes their way. The people that blame their failures and issues on anybody but themselves, and continue to not do anything to make their lives any better for themselves. They feel as if they are the greatest thing on earth and find it necessary to go on and on about how they are superior to everyone.
These people are mentally making their lives worse without even knowing it. If you are faced with an issue, the best thing to do is develop a plan to, step by step, make it out. The worst thing you can do, and what people tend to do, is completely give up and think thoughts such as “Of course this would happen to me,” “nothing ever goes right in my life,” etc. without even attempting a solution. The attempt is the most important part, not the result after.
Do what you need to do in your life to make you happy, whatever it may be. People are going to do this for themselves as well, so for the best results try not to be mindful to everyone around you and just focus what’s going on in your life and your happiness. The worst thing to do in a time of self doubt is to compare yourself. In order to be successful on the road to positive thinking, stay extremely mindful to your actions and the aftermath of them.