Florence and the Machine spread a message of hope

Yael Even

Florence and the Machine performed at The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory on Saturday featuring their new album, High As Hope.

Yael Even, Staff Reporter

In times of constant complaining, negativity, and despair, Florence Welch had the audience come together and hold hands on Saturday night at The Pavilion at Toyota Music Factory . Awkward at first, soon everyone was swaying side to side and singing with Welch as if everyone within the audience knew each other, as if everyone loved one another.

Despite the rain over the past few days, in what was perhaps a sign of an impending good night, the skies were clear for the show. Everything about the night was so perfect.

One of the band’s new songs “Hunger” started the show and immediately Welch swept the audience off their feet as she was so in tune with herself. She really let the audience get to know her and understand who she is and her background.

Welch was so energetic, she danced, and she ran throughout the crowd. She even let some people from the front row sing with her. Throughout the concert, Florence sang songs from her new album High As Hope. Not only did she sing, she spread out a message. Despite the universal struggles we all seem to face, she still has hope.

She began to sing her most popular song “Dog Days Are Over”, she then paused and had everyone among the audience put their phones way. Once everyone’s phones were up, she encouraged each individual to scream what they always wanted to tell the world. Everyone was within the audience was so raw, as if they had nothing to lose. They had just shared their biggest secret, it got everyone to put their fears aside for one night and have the ability to feel free.