Thespian festival provides professional learning experience
Junior Rachel Vanmeter, junior Emily Degarmo, junior Amelia Jauregui, junior Natalie Guerra, junior Natalie Brooks, and junior Lauren Head (left to right) attended the annual Texas Thespian Festival to perform, take workshops from professionals in the theatre industry, and celebrate theatre.
November 16, 2018
The annual Texas Thespian Festival is underway as International Thespian society members from across Texas, Oklahoma, and several other border states come together to perform, take workshops from professionals in the theatre industry, and celebrate theatre.
“There are so many different workshops that we can take from auditioning techniques to stage combat to Beyoncé choreography,” senior Jordan Miller said via text. “We learn from successful actors and technicians and do intense theatre work. We also are able to learn from other troupes and companies through their performances and meeting with them in general.”
Beyond working with professionals, students are able to interact with other actors and actresses from different states.
“My favorite part of ITS is being in a giant convention center with hundreds of other theatre kids,” Miller said via text. “We all understand each other, we understand the love of creating and performing a show. We have opening and closing ceremonies where the whole convention screams show tunes and dances. It’s a festival full of love, acceptance, and fun. We all look forward to seeing shows from award winning companies and getting the chance to show off our company by competing and qualifying. It’s such a great experience to add to your resume and ‘tool kit’ as an actor. Overall, it’s such a fun experience.”