Hall pass predicament
Hall passes get a technology update as FISD works to limit in-person contact as much as possiblle.
November 28, 2018
After multiple students were caught with blank hall passes in their possession, a school administrator sent out an email on Tuesday to staff requesting that nurse and hall passes be properly secured.
With rumors of students selling hall passes floating around the halls and across social media, assistant principal Jason Harris has concerns regarding safety on campus.
“Just students getting out of class when they shouldn’t be and maybe even giving those passes to people who don’t belong here,” Harris said. “It’s important that we know where all students need to be at all times for their safety and also our safety. If you’re caught with them and they’re blank then it’s an automatic two days ISS, two days OSS.”
For one student that improperly gained access to hall passes, it was for backup purposes.
“Because a lot of the time I don’t take the bathroom pass and if I ever get Harrised [sic] I will have some back up,” an anonymous student said. “No one really cares about the passes. [It’s been happening] probably since I got here. I think it’s fine since most people that do that are actually just trying to go to the bathroom. I haven’t heard of people selling passes. I don’t really see how it’s a safety issue.”
Passes give students permission to be outside of the classroom during class, but they also help staff members keep track of students.
“I mean it’s not right, it’s stealing and it’s not the purpose of the passes,” nurse Emily Mikeska said. “Our passes are a means of communication between teachers and wherever their students going on why they’re out of the classroom to begin with.”