Waiting to drive
Waiting for her chance to take the wheel, freshman Allie Lynn sits in the backseat behind mom Colleen Lynn driving home for school. Wingspan’s Allie Lynn shares her thoughts on being a 15 year old in high school.
January 16, 2019
Upperclassman can drive themselves to dates, jobs, school, and so much more. But for freshmen, getting anywhere involves asking parents and siblings to drive us around. This is a challenge on so many levels.
In a study by Stage of Life, 61 percent of teens have been in a relationship. While upperclassman can drive their boyfriend or girlfriend to a date, freshman have to most likely ask parents to drive them. We all know how embarrassing parents can be when with our friends, especially with a boyfriend or girlfriend.
But forget about dating. Earning money as a freshman is a chore. According to The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 48 percent of employed youth (ages 15-17) work in restaurants and food services, not to mention 21 percent that work in retail. These jobs all require transportation which freshman need to get through parents or siblings. Most jobs student can get involve working after school or on the weekends and many parents or siblings do not want to drive their kids or younger sister to their job everyday.
Then there’s school. Although students don’t necessarily want to be at school all the time, they still have to get a ride there. Less than 20 percent of kids walk to school which means more than 80 percent of freshmen either get a ride to school from someone or take the bus.
Not being able to drive is a constant struggle for freshman with 16 not coming soon enough.