Bathroom visit in just six minutes

High school students shouldn't have to worry about how many times they go to the bathroom during a six week grading period writes WTV's Neha Perumalla.

High school students shouldn’t have to worry about how many times they go to the bathroom during a six week grading period writes WTV’s Neha Perumalla.

Eun Jae Kim, Guest Contributor

The hallways of the school are always crowded with students rushing to get to their next class in just six minutes. By the time they run across the steep stairs and endless hallways, the bell has already rung, leaving students with no time to stop by the bathroom to attend to nature’s calls.

In the classroom, teachers often muffle students’ requests to go to the bathroom with, “Why didn’t you go during passing period?”

Students need at least four minutes in order to go to the bathroom, wash, and dry hands. Unless students completely skip the very important process of washing their hands, which would lead to the increase of germs and illness around campus, they cannot go to the bathroom and make it to class in time.

Furthermore, if a student is forced to stay in class and hold it in, it can distract them from fully concentrating on their work. According to studies, holding in urine can also be harmful- even deadly- to one’s health.

There are two solutions to this very serious problem that is affecting students and staff all over the campus. Either make the passing periods longer, or let the students go to the bathroom during class. As long as students are not going to the bathroom too often, they should be allowed the freedom of visiting the bathroom with leisure and peace.