Campus gets new decorative additions
The light posts in front of the school don new school spirit banners. The school hopes the new additions will improve the appearance of the school and raise school spirit.
February 19, 2019
New banners are flying in front of the school after workers installed them on Friday as part of a district wide decision to increase signage on schools to increase school spirit
“The district, in conjunction with one of our vendors, has worked to increase the signage on each of our high school campuses,” associate principal Jon-Eric Ziaer said. “They coordinated with each of those high school campuses, the date and the location for where those would be hung and at the end of last week, that’s when ours were hung courtesy of the district and our one of our vendors.”
The new banners help add a decorative flare to the campus and fill up the halls with artistic features.
“I like the new banners we have outside because it makes our school look nicer,” senior Janet Nguyen said. “I think the school should continue to add more decorations to our school like this because I feel like our school is kind of empty and I think they can add more colors and more of our mascot around the school.”
Along with enhancing the school’s appearance, the new banners will ideally help amplify school spirit and strengthen the sense of pride on students have on campus.
“Aesthetically I think from the street, there’s a curb appeal and personally I think it helps spruce things up out front of our school,” Ziaer said. “I think it certainly enhances what it looks like when someone is pulling into the front of the school, or even just driving down Rolater and I think it helps to increase the school environment that we’re aspiring to; celebrating our red and black colors, Liberty Redhawks, those kind of things.”
Throughout the halls of the campus, the addition of these banners help polish the appearance of the school.
“The banners are really cool,” sophomore Gopi Sadhu said. “They show that we have school spirit and we should add more things to our campus so it doesn’t look as plain.”
Ziaer anticipates further increasing school spirit on campus with the hopes of eventually getting a refreshed school that feels more homely.
“We’re currently looking at opportunities to support a more inviting campus environment so we’re pursuing a few opportunities right now where we can add some things in the hallways. In two years our campus is eligible for refresh, which is where the district comes in and they do painting and also provide some artwork as well so there will be some things we could get if we can wait two more years that we haven’t been eligible for, as a campus since we opened that we’re up for that kind of refresh,” Ziaer said. “We’re going to be able to even simple things like maybe having red and black stripes in certain parts of the hallway or having a big Liberty L in various places which I just think adds to the to the culture of the campus.”