Disable the label

White Ribbon Week seeks to raise disability awareness

Chase Fritz

Henry Youtt, Managing Editor

Monday through Friday of this week is designated at White Ribbon Week on campus, a weeklong program to help raise disability awareness. Prior to students returning from the Thanksgiving Break, posters and ribbons were put up within the halls to promote this week’s message.

This year’s theme, “Disable the Label,” seeks to further the movement in helping to break down the profiling and judgement of those with disabilities.

“The point of White Ribbon Week is to raise awareness for disabilities,” Best Buddies president Rylee McHenry said. “I think sometimes noticing people’s disabilities is kind of shoved down because people feel awkward about it because they don’t want to notice and recognize it. They think that’s wrong or they are discriminating against them when they do that but it’s raising awareness because without raising awareness, without recognizing that people have disabilities, you’re ignoring it.”