Say It Louder: finding confidence, not arrogance
Whether it’s something about school, being a student, or a social issue, columnist Emma Cramption tries to make sure her message is heard in her weekly column “Say it Louder”.
March 25, 2019
It is extremely healthy and beneficial to acknowledge your beauty and know that you are physically attractive. It’s something a lot of people work their whole lives to have, and some people may unfortunately never achieve.
Self-confidence is a massive issue for many (even possibly the majority) of people. Once you do achieve some level of said confidence, it’s such an amazing feeling, and you’re allowed to talk about it without being conceited. However, there are some people that take it too far and fall into the label of being self-absorbed.
We’ve all met someone who is full of themselves, even obsessed with themselves. Some common aspects of a person like this include constantly bringing up their looks and how attractive they are, believing they are above people due to their level of attractiveness, thinking no potential significant other is attractive enough for them…you get the point. It happens quite a bit amongst people. For some, it’s a phase, but for others, it may continue for life.
It’s very interesting to me that the more someone takes part in behaviors such as these, it makes them dramatically less attractive to me. It’s sad in a way, because sometimes these people get so far into it that they could miss out on opportunities for a good relationship due to their own delusion that being good looking makes gives them some type of superiority.
“Pretty privilege,” a.k.a getting what you want because you’re pretty is definitely a real thing as it happens to many people. There is obviously a limit to this though, and that’s what self-absorbed people can’t seem to grasp. Being pretty isn’t going to get you a job unless you’re modeling or something along the lines of that. Even then, however, usually companies and agencies are searching for a specific look, and you may simply not fit their vision, no matter how attractive you may be.
Confidence is attractive, but there is a fine line between being confident and conceited. You can most definitely acknowledge your beauty, but still be appreciative to those who point it out to you, rather than being smug about it. It is possible to be both confident and humble.