Say it Louder: let life come to you
Whether it’s something about school, being a student, or a social issue, columnist Emma Cramption tries to make sure her message is heard in her weekly column “Say it Louder”.
April 23, 2019
A question that I think to myself frequently and also love to hear what other people have to say about it is, “do you believe that your fate is set in stone or that you are completely in control of your destiny?”
I go back and forth between my answers. Part of me feels as though everything really does happen for a reason. That being said, I sometimes think that there is a plan set out for every individual, and the decisions they make in life are just minor details and they will still have the same ending as their plan no matter what they do.
However, another part of me believes that every little choice we make could change our entire life. Have you ever sat with someone you’re close with and said “what if we were never in the same class and never met?” Or “what if I decided not to leave the house that day and we never crossed paths?” Do you think that you would have ended up meeting down the road anyway, or not have met them at all and shifted your lives all together?
It’s extremely interesting for me to hear others opinions on this matter simply because I am so indecisive on my own thoughts about it. It’s difficult to be unsure, because there are times when I think that everything is out of my control so I should just let life come to me. There are other times, though, that I feel the pressure to make the right decisions and be in control of my fate.
I suppose that we will never really know the true answer, so the key is finding a balance between the two. Let life come to you, but make decisions accordingly.
Don’t give up on things simply because “if it’s meant to be it will be.” Some things require a little more work than that. With that, though, don’t get too caught up in life’s many little choices. While they do matter, some require more effort than others so don’t waste your energy on minor decisions that likely won’t matter in five years. It’s all about being able to distinguish what will impact your long term future and what will not.