NAHS adds color to dugouts
National Art Honor Society has taken on a new project of repainting the softball dugout. The students will finish their painting on Monday, May 13, 2019.
May 13, 2019
The softball dugouts on campus are more than just a place for the players to gather during a game, they are a work of art as members of the National Art Honor Society are decorating them with school related colors and design.
The project began softball head coach Jill Bradshaw decided the dugouts needed some artistic help.
“Our dugouts were just looking really bad and so we repainted them,” softball coach Jill Bradshaw said. “But we knew that we wanted something else on it like a picture or a mural, just something that would be good to look at so we approached Mrs. Fallon [art teacher Pernie Fallon] and asked for NAHS’s help.”
NAHS accepted the offer to decorate the dugouts and started to brainstorm ideas about the design
“Starting last spring we started writing the letters on a bigger sheet of paper to plan out what it’s going to look like and then we transferred it onto the dugouts,” NAHS president Sunyoung Yun said. “But because of the Texas weather we had a lot of complications and so there were a lot of days where we planned to work on it but we ended up not because of the unpredictable weather.”
The weather brought many problems and delays to the project and NAHS had no choice but to work around it.
“The process of painting went a little bit faster but then we had the weather. It either rained a lot or it got too hot or too cold,” Fallon said. “And the paint really won’t stick well if it’s not 55 degrees or warmer so we really had time to work on it a few times which is why it took us almost two years to finish.”
Despite the uncontrollable weather NAHS continues to work towards their goal and the dugouts are expected to be completed by the end of the year.
“Getting the letters written out was almost like engineering,” NAHS sponsor Fallon said. “It was much more difficult then we had anticipated and we worked daily. What seems like an easy project really turned out to be a big learning curve.”
Having the dugouts painted is a nice touch appreciated by the team.
“I think it adds a cool touch to our dugouts,” softball player, sophomore Rachel Wilson said. “A lot of other schools don’t have that, they’re just regularly painted with plain colors. And so I think it adds school spirit to our dugouts.”