All Voices Matter: mass shootings have yet to spark change

Prachurjya Shreya

In her weekly column, All Voices Matter, staff reporter Aviance Pritchett gives her take on social and cultural issues.

Aviance Pritchett, Staff Reporter

Our summer break was a bloody one, with five mass shootings taking place across eight days–two of them occurring within the same day. Among the mournful were the somewhat apathetic; people who were saddened by the tragedies, but due to the fact that mass shootings are so common in the U.S. that it just wasn’t a surprise anymore. 

It’s a never-ending cycle–a tragedy happens, people are outraged and filled with grief, said people demand for there to be change in gun laws, and our government never makes a move that truly matters. After the Christchurch tragedy in New Zealand, action was almost immediately made with the banning of assault weapons. Why hasn’t the American government done the same?

You would think after the mass murder of young children at Sandy Hook would be enough for our government to say, “Enough is enough! This should never happen again!” and yet, six years later, the discussion of gun control is still a controversial topic. 

Six years later and more and more people have died due to senseless violence that was driven by hate or other motives. Imagine how tired families of victims must be having to see those who have the power to prevent the frequency of these tragedies belittle and attack the opposing political party for suggesting too much or too little, instead of actually coming together to make a sufficient solution. 

Those who demand action are tired. 

They’ve called their representatives, their senators, their governors, their mayors. They’ve created and signed petitions, they’ve staged protests and die-ins, they’ve cried and they’ve pleaded, and yet nothing has come to fruition as a result of their efforts. 

It comes to a point where people wonder if things will really change for the better. 

I’m sure everyone in America wants something to be done. 

I’m sure everyone wants an end to gun violence and the taking of innocent lives. 

And if this is true, why do we continue to debate on what has more worth and value? Why do we prioritize weapons over the lives of our fellow Americans? These are the questions that we should ask our government, and they better provide action with their answers.