School seeks to eliminate parking issues
December 10, 2015
Parking in the staff lots behind the gym, along the road in the fire lane, or by the cafeteria, is no longer admissible for both student and parent parking. The band parking lot has been opened up as marching season has come to a close, and students are recommended to park in this area. Administration will be handing out detentions to those who do not follow up with this rule.
“We’ve opened it up,” assistant principal Phil Brown said. “So students can go back to parking like they normally would.”
Students who continue to park in staff lots and along the roadway will receive a Saturday School Detention and potentially the revocation of parking privileges.
“We want to make sure we provide everyone the opportunity to park as they should and also be safe on campus,” Brown said. “It’s a safety issue and for congestion during dismissal or arrival for students and parents being here on campus it just clears up the roadways for us a little more.”