Deadline to purchase senior package fast approaching
Friday is the last day to buy $100 package
Seniors who purchased the senior package will be able to visit the courtyard for food and games for the senior sunrise. Canes and In-n-Out will be provided to all seniors, along with possible raffle prizes.
September 5, 2019
Senior year comes with a lot of festivities such as senior sunrise, senior sunset and a prom hype party. To help consolidate everything, the school’s PTSA chapter campus is offering a package deal until Friday, for 2020 graduates to purchase everything at once and save money.
“Most schools, including Liberty, have created a package that includes senior activities,” PTSA’s Jenifer Williams said. “Liberty has had a senior package for the last five to six years. This helps in planning and our effort to involve all seniors in the activities. The senior committee can get a better idea of how many will attend and what to order.”
With the package available for seniors to order on for $100, it’s designed to save students the hassle throughout the year.
“Without a package, the senior committee will have to ask for donations, monetary and in kind, from parents and the seniors for all the senior events that are planned,” Williams said. “The package benefits the seniors by saving time and money by getting it all done at one time. The package is a little cheaper then buying it all separately. The seniors are also saving time by not having to order each item throughout the school year and trying to remember the deadlines.”
Not only does the package save $20, the PTSA hopes to bring the senior class together.
“The class of 2020 is very small relative to previous classes and we tried to have a package that supports the idea of allowing them to bond their final year of high school,” Williams said. “The goal is to encourage them to do things together during their senior year. Seniors will definitely want their 2020 class shirt for the senior football game and any other senior events.”
For senior Emily Nickel, this is a great way to ensure she doesn’t miss out on anything in her final moments on campus.
“I chose to purchase the package because I really wanted to make the most out of my senior year,” Nickel said. “I think it benefits seniors because it gives us all a chance to interact and be with each other before we graduate. It also lets you go to those senior specific events throughout the year.”