Piece by Piece: hobby hunting
Staff reporter Madison Saviano explores hot topics and issues that students face in her weekly column Piece by Piece.
October 22, 2019
Defining your self worth can be troublesome. Insecurity can blind one by making them unable to see any good in themselves. That on top of the trials of high school, it may seem impossible to flourish.
A lack of self confidence can be detrimental as it disables you from reaching your fullest potential. This can be exponentially expounded on, as we are all too familiar with this idea, however this column is not about that. Rather, this is about a remedy.
We should be able to elevate ourselves even amidst heaps of doubt, however no matter what your self-help book tells you, this is much easier said than done. I’m not saying this shouldn’t be attempted, but if it is and you still find yourself in a rut, don’t be discouraged. If it were as easy as all that, therapists wouldn’t have jobs.
If you’re still reading, chances are that the tactic I referred to above didn’t help you too much either.
So here’s what I advise: validate yourself through something. Notice I was careful with my wording of “something”. Do not tether your worth to someone.
The truth is that people, especially high schoolers, are fickle and will abruptly leave for whatever the reason. If this happens, you don’t want them to take your confidence. In an effort to avoid this catastrophe, just find a hobby.
Yes, like anything, this solution is not without its shortcomings but overall it has found me well. It not only will give you something to validate yourself with but it will also serve as a distraction. As you immerse yourself in a hobby you may find yourself growing as you face and overcome obstacles.
In addition, If your hobby is one that includes other people, you will likely find yourself among like minded people with like interests. If this occurs you may find any loneliness put at ease.
The list of benefits goes on but that doesn’t mean it will be easy. There will be trials and troubles but if you stick with it, it may be a feasible solution worth while.