Piece by Piece: watch and learn

Morgan Kong

Staff reporter Madison Saviano explores hot topics and issues that students face in her weekly column Piece by Piece.

Madison Saviano, Staff Reporter

Boomers,” or people born during the baby boom, often criticize millennials and Gen-Z for spending too much time on the internet. What they don’t seem to understand is that Chrome is the modern day version of the Encyclopedia Britannica, only better. The internet supplies us with massive stores of information and with this tool, we can take our learning in any direction. 

As teenagers, though, many of us don’t prefer the traditional methods of internet use. We don’t want to read the information, we want the information to be read to us. We like the quick seven minute video about the origins of sushi, or literally any other topic. Why? This question has alluded boomers but it is mainly because we like conveniency. Just as they read the morning paper out of conveniency, we watch YouTube

So why are we condemned for the simple act of seeking out information? Yes, I’ll admit that on massive platforms like YouTube or Netflix, I’m sure it’s hard to believe that of all the information at our disposal we’re really choosing to click on the title “10 Smallest Countries You Never Knew Existed,” but have some faith in us. 

And, yes, I know that not every kid out there would watch a travel video as opposed to one of YouTube’s scandal breakdowns but even to my surprise, most actually would. One trait we don’t seem to get enough credit for is determination and if we are willed to learn how to play the guitar, banjo, or literally any instrument out there, we will. And we will likely find a video on it. We will watch and learn. 

To exemplify the widespread educational use of platforms like YouTube, “a Pew research study that surveyed 4,594 Americans in 2018 found that 51 percent of YouTube users say they rely on the video service to figure out how to do new things.” 

I’m sure that the majority of that 51 percent is younger than 50. Why? Because everyone born after 19700’ is likely accustomed to and trusting of (too trusting probably) the internet. Boomers on the other hand just aren’t aware, because they were never taught. Maybe it’s too late for them to learn, (this doesn’t mean you should give up trying to teach your grandma how to send an emoji) but it’s not for us. We are adapting to a world that is increasingly digital and whether that’s right or not, it is necessary.