Featured Athlete: Reggie Chaney
Sport: Basketball | Years played: 8 years | Height: 6’7
Fav pre game meal: Chick-fil-A
Fav quote: Play hard, smart and together
Inspiration: LeBron James
Pre game song: I can listen to whatever
Future job: NBA
Wingspan: Why do you like basketball?
Chaney: “I guess because i’m tall and athletic, it just comes easy for me.”
Wingspan: What was your funniest basketball memory?
Chaney: “When Cameron got dunked on.”
Wingspan: Have you ever gotten any injuries from playing?
Chaney: “I twisted my ankle, but I never really broke anything before.”
Wingspan: Have you ever felt pressured by a coach or a parent? How?
Chaney: “Yes but the pressure pushes me to do better so I don’t mind.”
Wingspan: What motivates you?
Chaney: “Music usually seems to push me during games.”
Wingspan: What got you started?
Chaney: “My dad used to play, so he got me started.”
Wingspan: How are you planning on pursuing this in the future?
Chaney: “I plan on playing in college and then the NBA, hopefully”
Wingspan: Does playing ever get in the way with your social or educational life?
Chaney: “Yes, because instead of hanging out with friends, I’m probably in the gym working out.”