Voter registration drive prepares students for the primary
Seniors Chelsea Kang and Jared Jones register to vote. Forms can be filled out Friday in the Cafeteria during all lunches.
January 24, 2020
The Texas Primary Election is on March 3 which means time is running out for those that need to register to vote. However Friday during all lunches, it will be as easy as it can be as American Legion Post 178 is hosting a voter registration drive in the cafeteria.
“We’re trying to try to get those people to vote,” Crowe said. “You know, without voter participation in our society that, you know, we wouldn’t have a democracy we wouldn’t have an engaged citizenry, you know, to strengthen our institutions that we have. It’s very important that young people especially understand the importance of voting and the importance that their voice matters that their vote counts.”
To register to vote in the primary, a student needs to turn 18 on, or before March 2. Those that will turn 18 after March 2, but before March 31, can also register, but they will not be able to vote in the primary. However, they can vote in all other 2020 elections.
Seeking change, senior Celia Abdallah is one of eight students that registered to vote.
“It’s important to register to vote if you’re of age because you should feel as if you’ve had an impact on the future of the country you’re in,” Abdallah said. “If you want to see a change the best thing you can do is vote to see what you want implemented.”