Seniors take prom online in light of the scheduled date
Hoping to celebrate the seniors, senior student council members and principal Ashley Rainwater brainstormed on Zoom. Although students won’t be hitting the dance floor at the W Hotel, originally scheduled for Saturday, April 4, a virtual prom will be held online.
April 3, 2020
Student Council held a Zoom meeting Friday with principal Ashley Rainwater to discuss future plans for Redhawks under the current circumstances due to COVID-19.
“We discussed things that the seniors have been looking forward to; from prom to future plan recognition,” Rainwater said. “We are looking at what things we could possibly hold at a later date, how we could make them safer during the current pandemic, and how others could be modified to be done now while students must stay home.”
One thing that has currently been planned is a virtual prom for the seniors on Saturday night live on Facebook from 7-10 p.m.
“This is a fun way to celebrate our seniors. It is not an alternative to prom and we are still working with the district and with the Student Council on next steps for alternatives,” assistant principal Stacey Whaling said. “We want seniors to feel special and celebrated! We are sad that they are not getting to experience the things they had looked forward to and want to make our seniors feel heard, appreciated and celebrated!”
Friday’s meeting may not be the last one as StuCo works with school administrators to foster school spirit away from campus.
“The main goal of this is to try and find ways to lift everyone’s morale,” StuCo member, senior Zachary Bishop said. “With graduation up in the air, I’m sure that there will be something to give everyone their recognition, if it ends up being cancelled like prom.”