Ready to run, cross country season begins Saturday

used with permission: @redhawkspeed

After a rough race on Saturday at the Marcus Coach T Invitational, cross country continues to train and better their performance. They hope to finish higher up for their next meet.

Remi Williams, Sports Editor

Following the lead of the Redhawks tennis team, the second fall sport to start their season is the cross country team which heads to Warren Park on Saturday for a meet that begins at 7:30 a.m.

“I  feel pretty good about the first meet,” sophomore Jada Williams said. “I have been doing lots of long runs to build my endurance, drinking lots of water, running hills and trying to eat healthy.”

Team members such as senior Allen Vasquez are hoping the delayed start to their workouts will lead them to success. 

“Me and my teammates have been putting in lots of mileage,” Vasquez said. “We’re expecting work to pay off by hopefully winning as a team this meet.”