STAAR testing looks different for Dual Credit

Alicia Hernandez, WTV Staff Reporter

Everyone enrolled in a US history course must take the US history STAAR test in the spring, however, the process will be different for dual credit students.

Throughout their high school career, students must take the end-of-course STAAR test for certain classes, such as English 1 and 2, Algebra 1, Biology, and US history as a requirement for graduation.

These tests tend to be in spring, at the end of the school year, however, this is not the case for students taking US history as a dual credit course.

Students currently enrolled in dual credit US history will take the end-of-course STAAR test on Wednesday, December 9.

“They’re currently taking a collin class the first semester and the content that they are covering in the first semester is the period of time that is tested mainly in the STAAR EOC,” testing coordinator Ashley Stipe said. “So regular kids that are taking it on campus cover that material more in the second semester.”

All students, virtual or face to face, must come to campus to take the test

“The test is at liberty, whether the student is a virtual student or a face to face student,” Stipe said. “They have to come to liberty to take the test and it is a graduation requirement.”

All dual credit students will receive an email with more information, including testing rooms closer to the testing date.