Piece by Piece: why you should work more
Staff reporter Madison Saviano explores hot topics and issues that students face in her weekly column Piece by Piece.
February 23, 2021
Life is a lot of work. Hard, undying work.
Sometimes I wonder if working is what keeps us alive, though. If you’re working at the right thing, of course.
Working gives one both a sense of purpose and source of distraction. Oftentimes whenever I find myself overwhelmed, especially with things which I have little control over, absorbing myself in a task is just the right prescription.
But there are other times which equally afflict me and most all of us, but take a backseat to your problems. A person with an internal locus of control would say that there’s no such thing, that a person can always call shotgun ahead of their problems, but I don’t think this is the case. See, in my opinion, what drives a person are their problems, and all you can ever do is try to fix them, redirect the wheel.
Maybe this is why work is so necessary; it creates problems. Without problems, we are utterly bored.
During retirement, just when people count on being their happiest, they usually find themselves the least. There’s nothing to do, nothing to take care of. Conversely, seniors with pets and something to care for tend to live a bit longer.
Point is, without work, without something to do, our overburdened minds have no outlet. This is something that has come abundantly clear to me since 2020’s four month hiatus and the week and a half vacation we’re currently spending.
I’m bored and when I get bored, I create problems to solve. Thankfully, there’s nothing too deep in that mystery and it’s an easy one to get to the bottom of. All I have to do to avoid thinking too much is work. Case closed. And no matter the extent of your problems, if you think too much too, I’m sure this prescription could help you too.
I don’t know when we’re going back to school. It may be after another day, it may be longer, I have no clue. Until then, work a little. Enjoy your time off, because this kind of occurrence is a once in a lifetime kind of thing (for everyone not belonging to our strange cohort).
And when I say “work” I don’t mean go outside and pick up a shovel, just keep your brain going. YouTube doesn’t count, by the way, unless you’re watching Crash Courses, which you aren’t. Read a book, walk the dog, do the laundry, but don’t lay in bed all day.