Piece by Piece: do it for yourself
Staff reporter Madison Saviano explores hot topics and issues that students face in her weekly column Piece by Piece.
May 4, 2021
I think a lot of people get stuck doing things they don’t want to do just because they think they’re what they’re supposed to be doing.
Why am I taking six AP tests? Why are you so set on becoming a doctor or lawyer or pediatrician or whatever other respectable job?
If your idea is born out of passion, then go for it by all means. But oftentimes, these ideas are born out of what we think is necessity.
We want to live upper middle class lives at the least, we want to marry and have children and send them to good schools; all so they can afford the same opportunities as we could. And we think the only way of achieving this is to live on an annual salary of 100K or more. This is not the only way.
It’s no lie that certain professions make much more than others. You want to be a pottery maker? Well, that will likely be tight. It will be challenging and you will probably struggle to make ends meet. So, open a pottery shop. Marry rich, have a side hustle, get a job as something else which you can live off of.
We think that there are only a limited number of paths, and for many out there that is unfortunately true, but I don’t think that’s us.
We have options, we really do. You don’t like your life in the Great Plains of Texas? Move to the east coast. Don’t like it there? Find a way to move shop again.
Most of us have means to take us places. Not everyone does. Some people have been relegated to the tightest corners of the world, but if they could walk a mile in your shoes, I bet they’d try to go a thousand.
I believe in reincarnation, at least for the moment I do, and I feel it would be such a shame to forsake these opportunities. There are just so many things out there to do.
I know it sounds cliche, but find a way. Find a way to be a director or stand up comedian or guinea pig rescuer or optometrist or whatever you want.
There are so many outlets at our disposal; so many types of professions and people and inventions and places. If for long since you have not been satisfied with whatever you’ve been up to, then get up to something else.
Whatever you do, do it for yourself. Know the places you can go and if you so wish, explore them.